The UBA NextGen Accounts caters for student of a senior secondary school, Tertiary Institution or a National Youth Service Corps member can open the NextGen accounts. Age: 18-25 Years
1.A passport photo
2.School ID/Admission letter or College ID gets you a NextGen account.
A recent utility bills.
1. Minimum Opening Balance- (SLL250,000)
2. Minimum Operating Balance (SLL250,000)
3. Maximum Cumulative Balance (No Limit (Full KYC)
4. Credit Interest Rate –Prevailing interest rate on savings account(payable monthly)
5. Withdrawal Across The Counter- Free
6. Withdrawal Characteristic- No Interest Payment for more than 3 withdrawals in the month
7. Cheque Book- No
8. Deposit Of OBCs & Dividend Warrants- Allowed cheques from parents’ accounts
9. Cash Deposit Limit – No limits
10. Debit Card- Yes
11. Funds Transfer Outside The Bank- Yes
12. Funds Transfer Within The Bank – Yes
13. Additional Channel Services- Free sms alert , Mobile Banking, Free Online , Mobile Banking