UBA Sierra Leone Acting MD/CEO Meets with a cross-section of TEF Alumni

UBA Sierra Leone Acting MD/CEO Meets with a cross-section of TEF Alumni
UBA Sierra Leone’s Acting MD/CEO, Mohamed Alhajie Samoura, convened a meeting with Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF) Alumni, focusing on collaborative opportunities to empower young entrepreneurs. The session took place on Thursday 24th August at UBA Sierra Leone Head Office Charllote Street in Freetown.
The MD highlighted the potential partnership between UBA Sierra Leone and TEF Alumni, aiming to bridge the gap that seemed to be emerging. He stressed the need for joint efforts to address challenges faced by the Alumni and emphasized UBA’s commitment to supporting Alumni businesses.
The TEF Hub Lead in Sierra Leone Mohamed Kamara echoed the sentiment, viewing the Foundation as a tool to uplift Sierra Leone’s youth from poverty. They encouraged utilizing the Foundation for business funding and urged fellow youth to tap into its resources.
The Alumni presented their action plans during the meeting, focusing on collaboration enhancement, business growth, and promoting the Tony Elumelu Foundation’s role in nurturing entrepreneurship.
The meeting marks a significant stride towards nurturing entrepreneurship and economic growth, with both entities poised to leverage their resources for a brighter entrepreneurial landscape in Sierra Leone.
The Tony Elumelu Foundation is the leading champion of entrepreneurship in Africa. The principle objective of the Foundation is to empower women and men across the African continent, catalysing economic growth, driving poverty eradication and ensuring job creation. TEF believes the private sector’s role is critical for Africa’s development and that the private sector must create both social and economic wealth for the continent.